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James Prindle: I’m Not Guilty

August 18, 2012

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I bring to you the words of James Prindle, a 17 year-old boy, whom I am advocating for and the mentor of. Do these sound like words to you of someone truly guilty? I say not.


Judge Carter,


The person who is speaking to you is not guilty. The true individual who committed this unspeakable act against my little sister is walking the streets free and I sit here being punished—possibly for the rest of my life—for an act I did not commit.

I understand the court has an obligation to the public, but its highest duty is for justice. How is it
justice when an innocent child is convicted?

I also understand the prosecution has a job to do. But when a person is wrongfully convicted, what good is served to the community when the person who really assaulted my sister is walking the streets in freedom and I suffer with its loss?

My stepfather Jefferson got everything he wanted: me out of his life and he gets my mom all to himself. I’ve been hurt, abused, deserted, and abandoned by my family and it’s hard to accept this, and this verdict, when this is what I’ve lived since I was little.

I would never do what I am accused of doing to my sister. I loved her and I still love and miss my
family. I am innocent and I pray that one day soon my innocence will be proved to everyone, most of all, to Jeff Sanders.


James Prindle


You have an opportunity, to save a child’s life, a child who is not guilty of what he has been found guilty of by a jury. I’m asking you, to join with me, and together, we can give one child, a deserving child back what he has wrongfully lost


Please help, by signing this petition:


Thank You,


Stephen Sydebotham

James advocate

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